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Björn Rulik

Collection Manager Arthropoda - Collection Management Arthropoda
Taxonomic Coordination - German Barcode of Life (GBOL)
I studied biology at Ernst-Moritz-Arndt University Greifswald
and graduated with a diploma in biology (major: zoology; minors: biochemistry & ecology) in March 2003. During main studies at
Zoological Institute and Museum Greifswald
I came across with micro-flies (Diptera:
) and I am still fascinated by them.
After finishing university I worked on different topics at the
Department of Palaeontology & Historical Geology
[German Archive of Glacial Erratic Boulders] and at the
Botanical Institute and Botanical Garden
[Protostelids and Myxomycetes
In 2005 I came back to my dipterous passion and started as Scientific Trainee at
Museum of Zoology Dresden
with main focus on some families of so called
“Fungus Gnats”
(Diptera: Sciaroidea) and held the deputyship of Diptera section in 2008.
In June 2012 I joined the the German Barcode of Life (GBOL) project as taxonomic coordinator. Since 2019 I serve as Collection Manager in the Department Arthropoda, but also part of the projects Caucasus Barcode of Life (CaBOL) as well as GBOL III: Dark Taxa. Beside my new duties, I am still interested in the diversity of Holarctic “Fungus Gnats”.
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Zentrum für Taxonomie & Morphologie (ztm)
Zoologisches Forschungsmuseum Alexander Koenig
Leibniz-Institut zur Analyse des Biodiversitätswandels (LIB)
Adenauerallee 160
D-53113 Bonn, Germany
phone: +49 (0)228 9122 373
fax: +49 (0)228 9122 295
e-mail: b.rulik [at] leibniz-zfmk.de
alternative: b.rulik [at] gmail.com
twitter: b.rulik (@ZFMK_Bonn)
mastodon: b.rulik (@ZFMK_Bonn@ecoevo.social)
A detailed Curriculum Vitae is available upon request
part of diptera.de